Friday, August 31, 2012

Cody Nite Rodeo

Cody Wyoming and Rodeo are synonymous. When the fall round-ups
were over each year, The Big Horn Basin saw cowboys run cattle right through
Cody to the railhead across the river.
There was even bronc riding in the early 1900's in town on what is today Sheridan Avenue.Today's Stampede Park built in 1976 has competition every night from June through August
We went to the final Thursday evening rodeo as they end
in August. It was cold and windy but the rodeo was great!

Cody Covered Rodeo Stands waiting
for the's early.
Getting the field ready and a few early
cowboys stretching and tape wrists

A glimpse of the staging area in the rear of
the rodeo.
Just shootin' the bull before
the start of the rodeo

The Cody Nite Rodeo begins!

The shoots are prepared and loaded
with riders preparing to mount,with collar
protection and many wear helmets
instead of cowboy hats today for
added safety
Cowboy waiting his turn

The cowboy to the left with the
helmet is entering to ride the bull
to his immediate left

...and I thought my truck rode hard

Calf roping is more complex than
I ever thought. Who do you see?
Cowboy and calf?...the horse
is the cowboy's other cowboy.

Saddle Bronc riding came before
rodeos. Breaking and training
horses came before the entertainment.
8 seconds on the bronc is part of the qualifier. The cowboy's free
hand may not touch his equipment, his body, or the horse.
I'm so glad I was in the stands!

As we leave the Rodeo...

Oh, one more thing...I was getting fuel in Cody for the truck
and came upon some local advertising...

Can you read the sign?
It says

Picture taken 08/29/2012

Our next visit in the Cody-Powell,Wyoming was
was very moving and revealing

1 comment:

  1. Depending on your travel route/pattern, from/to Yellowstone-Grand Teton area, it is recommended that you visit Cody Wyoming. We came away with 3 areas we thoroughly enjoyed.
    The Buffalo Bill Historical Center, the Cody Nite Rodeo, and especially Heart Mountain hidden or obscured in Powell Wyoming just outside Cody.


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