Wednesday, September 5, 2012

Mount Rushmore National Memorial

Mount Rushmore carving began August 10, 1927
with sculptor Gutzon Borglum. It took 14 years to
complete the project on October 31, 1941. Borglum
died in March 1941 and his son Lincoln Borglum
completed the work. Lincoln became the memorial's
first superintendent.

These first few pictures were taken in early
evening and then darkness when the lights
come on.

Mt Rushmore honors veterans each evening at
8 PM on the outdoor stage. The park ranger
was an excellent moderator and is commended.

Steve and Betty

Mount Rushmore outdoor ampitheater

The Park Ranger was excellent and very knowledgeable
It took 14 years to complete and with no fatalities during
the process.

Each face is 60 feet high.
Each eye is 11 feet wide

This view of Mt Rushmore (Washington) from the Needles area.
Gutzon Borglum, Mt Rushmore Sculptor

Click the site below for information that will add
to you understanding of Mount Rushmore

Trivia: Recently many, for different reasons have suggested
our current president be added to the Mt Rushmore sculpture.
The National  Park Service spokesman at the memorial said that
what remains of any rock formation is not strong enough for any
additional work. Further, it has been suggested prior to current president, to add different people.
 The portion to the right of Lincoln
will not endure.

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